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DPG files: Alphabetically by contributor | Alphabetically by title of graph

Chaos Auf Ebene
"Chaos Auf Ebene" (movie) by Rainer Wonisch.
"Pyramid" by Jim Swift. More ...
"Chaosmund" (movie) by Rainer Wonisch.
"Kleeblatt" (movie) by Rainer Wonisch.
Magic Carpet
"Magic Carpet" (movie) by Rainer Wonisch.
"Moving Petal" (movie) by Katherine Brandl.
Drumhead J02
"Drumhead J02" (movie) by Jim Swift. The second radial mode of a drumhead. More ...
Visual Derivatives, Part 1
"Visual Derivatives, Part 1" by Tom Tredon. Calculus teachers: click on Edit in DPGraph for an explanation.
Colored sphere
This sphere is an example of using a time-dependent expression to color a surface.
Springendes Schachbrett
"Springendes Schachbrett" (movie) by Rainer Wonisch.
Talking Head
"Talking Head" by Hassan Sedaghat. Click on Edit in DPGraph for more info on how the parameters affect the speed.
"Canary" (movie) by Travis Casper. The actual graph flys much faster than this slowed down sequence, and it breathes, too.
Velocity Field for a Stream
"Velocity Field for a Stream" by Tom Tredon. Use DPGraph's Scrollbar to vary A (one river bank), B (the other river bank), or C (the speed of the stream). Click on Edit in DPGraph for more info.
Velocity Field for Fluid Flow Through a Tube
"Velocity Field for Fluid Flow Thru a Tube" by Tom Tredon. Use DPGraph's Scrollbar to vary A (the curvature), B (the inner diameter), or C (the speed of the fluid flow). Inspired by a drawing on page 3 of Harry Schey's "Div, Grad, Curl, and All That", 2nd edition. Click on Edit in DPGraph for more info.
Twilight Zone
"Twilight Zone" (movie) by Jim Swift. Click on Edit in DPGraph for more info, and use the Scrollbar to vary A, B, and C. More ...
Sea shell
"Sea Shell" by Hassan Sedaghat, colorized by David Parker. The surface is colored by theta in spherical coordinates.
"Petals" by Katherine Brandl. The symplectic leaves associated with a Poisson bracket, used to describe the primitive spectra of certain algebras.
Visual Derivatives, Part 2
"Visual Derivatives, Part 2" by Tom Tredon. Calculus teachers: click on Edit in DPGraph for an explanation.
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